Incorporating The Brooklyn Entomological Society
Monthly Meetings
We are slowly coming back to in person meetings, so stay tuned. Until then, here is an entomological event worth your while!

Taste of Science - 10th Anniversary
taste of science brings cutting-edge science out of the lab and into bars near you! From April 19-28, 2024 we’re hosting 10 Days of Science to celebrate our tenth birthday, including lots of fun events here in NYC.
To help us kick off our festival, we’re bringing our most admired science communication friends together at Caveat to throw our second ever SciComm Block Party! We'll have tables with demonstrations, interactive activities, and even some exotic creatures (insects, arachnids & myriapods) to meet. We invite you to celebrate with us and kick back with fellow NYC science advocates and unashamed nerds whose sense of wonder is alive and kicking.
Taste of Science - 10th Anniversary Kickoff with the New York Entomological Society
April 21, 2024, 4:00 pm
at Caveat
Archive of Monthly Meetings
February 2019
September 2018
April 2018
January 2017
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
October 2015