Incorporating The Brooklyn Entomological Society
Entomologica Americana
Author Instructions

Entomologica Americana, the journal of The New York Entomological Society, publishes original research on the taxonomy, classification, phylogeny, biogeography, behavior and natural history of insects and other arthropod taxa. Manuscripts are published as research articles, shorter scientific notes or book reviews.
Please follow instructions carefully before submitting a manuscript.
Questions? Contact Chris Johnson at
General Guidelines
Manuscripts should be in U. S. English, doubled spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point font and with 1 inch margins, with continuous line numbering. Figures and Tables should be uploaded/submitted as their own, independent files. See Digital Art Specifications below for figures.
General Layout
Manuscripts should have the following in this order:
1) Title Page with title, author names and institutions, and a short running title. Family names and higher taxon should be separated by a colon, e.g., Hymenoptera: Vespidae.
2) Abstract (for research articles only) with no longer than 250 words and a list of three to five key words.
3) Main Text organized by sections with appropriate headings (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion).
4) Acknowledgments.
5) Literature Cited that follows the CBE (now CSE) style with journal titles spelled out entirely.
6) Table Legends that provide a complete description of table information. (See Table example)
7) Figure Legends that provide a complete description of figure items.
8) Figures that are as a single plate identified by number, with items within the figure identified by letters.
Please indicate whether figures should be one-column (2 5/8 ”) or two-column (5 ½”) reproductions. Black and white line illustrations, halftones and line/halftone combinations do not incur additional charges. Color figures incur additional expenses to the author of approximately $30.00 per page. Refer to figures in text as Fig. 1, or Figs. 1 and 2.
Conventions: Manuscripts with cladistic analyses should include a separate file of the data matrix for verification of calculations by reviewers. Scientific names should be italicized and upon first mention should be complete with the author’s name unabbreviated (except for Linnaeus and Fabricius).
Taxonomic Works: Each described taxon should have the following components: Heading, Synonymy, Diagnosis, Description, Etymology, Specimens Examined.
Formatting style: Please follow this format as best as is possible.
Manuscript text: 12 pt font, Times New Roman
TITLE: All caps, bold, centered
Name (Small Caps, centered)
Affiliation (normal, centered), include email address
Abstract- (italicized, dash, remainder text, 12 pt font, Times New Roman)
Key words: (italicized, colon, remainder text, 12 pt font, Times New Roman)
Introduction (Small Caps, centered)
Material and Methods (Small Caps, centered)
Key to XXX (Small Caps, centered, just before genus or species descriptions)
GENUS (ALL CAPS, ITALICIZED) AUTHOR (ALL CAPS) Below genus header, list Figs, Maps, Tables (normal text, centered
Genus name author, date: pages (modify as see fit)
Type Species: (Indent, small caps, colon, name of type species, author, year)
Diagnosis, Description, Redescription, Distribution, Biology, Discussion, Host Association, Etymology etc.: (Indent each, small caps, colon)
Sex: (within Description, Redescription etc., italicized, colon, new paragraph indent for other sex)
FEATURES: (e.g., COLORATION:, SURFACE:, GENITALIA:, etc.) (within sex, ALL CAPS, colon)
Structures: (e.g., Head, Thorax, Paramere, etc.) (within FEATURES:, bold, colon)
Genus species Author or , new species (Genus species = italics, Author = normal, new species – comma, bold, centered)
Below species header, list Figs, Maps, Tables (normal text, centered)
Diagnosis, Description, Redescription, Distribution, Biology, Discussion, Host Association, Etymology etc.: (Indent each, small caps, colon)
Specimens Examined: (Indent, Small Caps, colon) Holotype: (Small Caps, colon) Sex: (cap first letter, normal text, colon) LOCALITY 1: (Country: ALL CAPS, bold, colon) Locality 2: (State, Department: lowercase, bold, colon) Locality 3: (County: lowercase, bold, italics, colon) other locality information, collector, number of specimens (normal text), sex (symbol, ♂♀), depository acronym (in parentheses, normal text). Paratypes: (Small Caps, colon) locality info etc. as in Holotype:, Other Material Examined: (Small Caps, colon) locality info etc. as in Holotype: and Paratypes:.
Acknowledgments (Small Caps, centered)
Literature Cited (Small Caps, centered)
Citation Examples: Johnson, C. A. 2012. A guideline for Entomologica Americana. Entomologica Americana 20: 1-2. Kment, P. and M. Baena. 2015. An endemic species. Zootaxa 55: 1-10.
Table text: 12 pt font, Times New Roman
Figure legend text: 12 pt font, Times New Roman
Figures: each figure plate should be an individual file labeled with first author’s last name, underscore, Fig# (e.g., Johnson_Fig1).
Text within figure: Arial (caps for item labels A, B)
Digital Art Specifications: Please indicate whether figures should be one-column (2 5/8”) or two-column (5 ½”) reproductions. Attempt to create reduced number of figures (full plates) with multiple images per figure. Remove as much white space as possible.
Include Figure Caption page/file with each figure receiving a caption that describes figure content.
Submit digital files as the final desired size. Halftone images should be 300 pixels per inch (ppi) minimum. Line art should be 1200 ppi.
Submit digital color files in CMYK mode.
For text added to the figure, use Arial.
If you have troubles uploading image to Allen Press site, send Managing Editor ( a Dropbox ( link to your figures.
Tables: Tables should be created using the “insert Table” in a Word document with the this format.
Proofs: Authors will receive hard copy page proofs from the publisher (Allen Press) once a manuscript has been accepted for publication. Corrected proofs should be sent promptly to the Managing Editor to avoid publication delays. Keep proof revisions to a minimum; alterations in proof will be charged to the author at the rate of $3.50 per revised line.
Page Charges: Per Treasurer Lou Sorkin:
$25.00 per printed page
$15 half-tone figure
$35 digital color figure
$3.50 line revisions
No charge for 8 printed pages, 2 half-tone figure plates, 2 color figure plates; $3.50 line revisions
Extra pages and figures:
$25.00 per printed page
$15 half-tone figure
$35 digital color figure
Contact Lou Sorkin about questions in pricing.
Authors may order reprints from Allen Press upon receiving their proofs.